Book Endorsements
“Like apples of gold in settings of silver, this book serves up a timely offering of Christian thought for prudent living and human flourishing. In a generation of digital natives, young adults are experiencing information overload, often leading to a gap in their ability to filter what is biblically true from what is socially acceptable. This disconnect between their faith journey and cultural trends, impacts their identity in ways that could be more deforming than transforming. In One Generation to The Next, Jim McKenzie is a voice of discipleship, sharing pathways for young adults to “not conform to this world but be transformed by the renewing of [their] mind,” setting their lived experiences and future hopes on Jesus Christ alone.”
Director of Intercultural Arts & Media | Student Engagement, Wheaton College
"I don’t know what I was expecting when I opened One Generation to the Next. But I certainly was not expecting to be touched, challenged, and inspired the way this book does. This book isn’t just for the next generation: it’s for me. I don’t know that I’ve ever encountered so much kindness, faithfulness, and clarity condensed into one slender work. I’m glad Jim McKenzie is in the world, and I’m glad his words here are, too."
author of The Evangelical Imagination: How Stories, Images, and Metaphors Created a Culture in Crisis
"As parents, what greater prayer do we have for our children than to know and follow Jesus? In a time in history in which we do not prioritize cross-generational relationships as we should, this book is a gem. In a way that only an educator, parent, and follower of Jesus could, Jim distills the foundations of a life with Christ into a text that is Biblically sound, approachable, moving, and transformative all at once."
Executive Director, Council on Educational Standards and Accountability
“In a world where social media and pop culture are trying to raise our kids, I’m so thankful for voices like Jim McKenzie’s. He speaks with the wisdom and compassion of someone who’s spent his life pouring into young people, all the while educating and empowering them to live out the teachings of Jesus with boldness. This book is a field manual for a generation that’s searching for their way and will only find it in Him.”
Founder of Truth to Table